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Free Technology WhitePapers

Free Technology WhitePapers!

Below are some free Technology WhitePapers. Yes, that's right, Free! They give you detailed insights on each respective topic, and may also teach you some new tricks or new skills that you may have never known before!

These WhitePapers are a great resource to have and the best thing about it is that they're all Free!

Below are just some of the many available WhitePapers. You can check out our complete list of WhitePapers!

Web Automation, Part 2

From email to social media to your own website, you could be wasting time doing things free services could do for you, automatically. Getting these services working takes a bit of knowledge, time and creativity, but they almost always pay off. 

Interested? Then it's time to read “Web Automation, Part 2”, by author Rahul Saigal. This guide picks up where “Web Automation, Part 1” left off. This time Saigal outlines ways to automate collecting citations, collecting reading material, your files on the cloud and even your website. 

Also with this free guide you will receive daily updates on new cool websites and programs in your email for free courtesy of MakeUseOf.

Web Automation, Part 1

From email to social media to your own website, you could be wasting time doing things free services could do for you, automatically. Getting these services working takes a bit of knowledge, time and creativity, but they almost always pay off.

Interested? Then it's time to read “Web Automation, Part 1” by author Rahul Saigal. This guide outlines uncounted tips for automating your online life, all in the name of saving you time.

Also with this free guide you will receive daily updates on new cool websites and programs in your email for free courtesy of MakeUseOf.

Beyond the Inbox: A Power User Guide to Gmail

Think of it this way: you could use your smartphone exclusively to make phone calls, or use a MacBook Pro only to create text documents. You could own a sports car you only ever drive a couple of blocks. You could, but there's just so much more these things could do for you, and you'd be wasting your money to only use them for one thing. The same can be said about Gmail, even though it doesn't cost you a dime to use.

This manual is not for new Gmail users, but for those of you who already use Gmail as an email client and want to take advantage of its many features.

Also with this free guide you will receive daily updates on new cool websites and programs in your email for free courtesy of MakeUseOf.

Some key ones are the mouse and touch gestures that allow you to perform important system functions with ease. They will most certainly make your life easier, and this cheat sheet will show you the most important ones. If you find this cheat sheet helpful, take a moment to share it with your friends!

Also with this free cheat sheet you will receive daily updates on new cool websites and programs in your email for free courtesy of MakeUseOf.

Windows 8 Cheat Sheet: Keyboard Shortcuts

Well, with Windows 8, they've added some awesome new shortcuts, but this will take Windows users a little while to get used to, and that's where this new Windows 8 keyboard shortcuts cheat sheet comes in. This cheat sheet has all the shortcuts you need to know! If you like this cheat sheet, take a second to share it with your friends.

Also with this free cheat sheet you will receive daily updates on new cool websites and programs in your email for free courtesy of MakeUseOf.

5 Ways Your VMware and Hyper-V Backups May Fail You

Download the new white paper by Greg Shields, Microsoft MVP and VMware vExpert, to learn the common causes of VM failures and get 5 expert tips for failsafe VM backups.

The 10 Worst Practices for Technical Support and How to Overcome Them

Explore 10 of the "worst practices" that are common to customer support operations, including how these worst practices can creep into your contact center, and new ways in which to deal with them.

#GOOGLE+ for BUSINESS tweet - (Normally $9.99)

If you answered yes to either question, you need to read Janet Fouts’ new book #GOOGLE+ for BUSINESS tweet. As Janet explains, the buzz around Google+ is all for very valid reasons. Much more than simply another social media platform, Google+ has been conceived to revolutionize the way you ideate, plan, and act. It is designed to help you connect not only with friends and family but also with complete strangers, enabling contribution and collaboration. Used correctly, Google+ is a powerful tool to widen your professional reach and leverage the powers of the crowd and cloud. 

This exclusive offer is sponsored by Gurus4Media.com.